You can display the output generated by the simulated program by
clicking on the Display Info button and then Display Output.
For each configuration indicated, run the program 3 times times.
Push the Reset button between runs. After logging the
output, push the clr button on the output window before starting
the next set of runs.
Try each of the following and record the output generated by the
simulated program.
After each of these, change back to the standard configuration:
After fork: parent
Choose Process: FCFS
Scheduling: no preempt
Print Atomic
- The standard configuration.
- Change After fork from parent to child.
- Change After fork from parent to either.
- Change After fork from parent to random.
- Change Choose Process from FCFS to Random.
- Change Scheduling from no preempt to round robin with a quantum of 5
and Choose Process from FCFS to Random.
- Repeat the experiment above with a quantum of 2
and see if it behaves differently.
- Change Print Atomic to Print Not Atomic with probability 0.1.
- Insert a wait(NULL) call before the fprintf statement.
- Change Print Atomic to Print Not Atomic with probability 0.1
and insert a wait(NULL) call before the fprintf statement.