CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 2004 Recitation Session 6
Week of October 4.
In this session you will become familiar with the process ring simulator that
was demonstrated in class on Thursday, September. 30.
- Log on to your account in the Linux Lab.
- Create a rec06 directory somewhere under your cs3733
- Download this tar file and
untar it into your rec06 directory.
- In that directory, execute runring.
If all goes well you will have started the process ring simulator.
- Exit the simulator using the Quit in the upper right corner of the
yellow window.
- Edit the file ringconfig.
One of the lines in this file starts with user.
Replace the name there by your name.
- Execute runring again.
- Find the Open Log button on the top of the leftmost row of buttons.
Push this button to open a log file.
The name of the button will change to Close Log.
- Push the Run Until Done button, a green button on the right side
of the window.
- Find the Display Info button (next to the button you just pushed).
Clicking on this brings up a window that allows you to display several
Display the Output and the Gantt Chart.
- Push the following Log buttons:
- The one at the top of the white window containing the program.
- The Log Image button, a few buttons down from the
Close Log button.
- The Log button at the top of the Output window.
- The Log button at the bottom right of the Gantt chart.
- Close the log file. You have created a file called logfile.html
in your rec06 directory.
- Exit the simulator using the Quit button.
- Look at the log file in your browser and make sure it contains all
of the logs you put in it.
- Now start the simulator again. Do not open the log file.
- This time, click on the Print Atomic button, changing it to
a Print Not Atomic button.
- Use the slider below this button to change the probability
(of losing the CPU after outputting a character) to 0.2.
If you get close, use the Round button a few times to make
it exact.
- Change the value of nprocs to 10 as follows:
- Find the button labeled nprocs: 5.
It is in the next to last column of buttons.
- Click on this button. The background should change to cyan.
- Use the backspace and number keys to change the value to 10.
- Push return.
- It should now say nprocs: 10 and the button below should say
positions: 10
- Note that you can only change the button while the cursor is in the
button and the button background is cyan.
- Click on the size: large button so that it now says
size: small
- Bring up the Output window again and run the simulator.
- Notice that the output is all jumbled up.
- Show this output window and your log file (on the screen) to the TA.