Practical UNIX Programming:
A Guide to Concurrency, Communication, and Multithreading
by Kay. A. Robbins and Steven Robbins
Prentice Hall, 1996
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I Fundamentals
1 What is Concurrency?
2 Programs and Processes
3 Files
4 Project: The Token Ring
II Asynchronous Events
5 Signals
6 Project: Timers
7 Project: Cracking Shells
III Concurrency
8 Critical Sections and Semaphores
9 POSIX Threads
10 Thread Synchronization
11 Project: The Not Too Parallel Virtual Machine
IV Communication
12 Client-Server Communication
13 Project: Internet Radio
14 Remote Procedure Calls
15 Project: Tuple Space
IV Appendices
A UNIX Fundamentals
B UICI Implementation
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