CS 3733 Operating Systems, Spring 1999 Assignment 2

Warning: This is not for the current semester.

Parts 0 and 1 Due Monday, February 15, 1999
Parts 2 and 3 Due Friday, February 26, 1999

Part 4 will be due at a later time. Do not do Part 4 until you are told to do so.

In this assignment you will explore the topic of CPU scheduling by using the scheduling simulator described in class. You can find out more about the simulator at the web site: /nsf/process_scheduling.html.
A copy of the simulator user's guide can be found at /nsf/ps_doc/psdoc.html.

You might want to read about the experiences students had with the simulator in a previous semester in a paper available at /nsf/pubs/process.html.

Part 0

If you have not already done so, create a web page for yourself.
The address of your web page should be http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~username. Create a course web page with web address http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~username/cs3733/index.html. This should be globally accessible. Your course web page should be very simple without much graphics so that it will load quickly over a phone line.

Make cs3733/assign2/part1, cs3733/assign2/part2 and cs3733/assign2/part3 under your public_html directory. The permissions of the public_html, cs3733, assign2, and part1 directories should be drwxr-xr-x but the permissions of the part2 and part3 directories should be drwx------.

If you are not familiar with creating HTML files, you may want to use the template available in /usr/local/courses/cs3733/spring99/webtemplate. Put the file index.html in your ~username/public_html/cs3733 directory. Edit this file and replace my name with yours in two places.

Part 1

Make a directory somewhere in your account for this assignment called assign2. The permissions of this directory should be set so that only you have access to it. Make a subdirectory called part1. Copy all of the files from /usr/local/courses/cs3733/spring99/assign02 into your part1 directory. Set the permissions of runit to rwxr-xr-x if necessary. Edit the psconfig file and replace my name with yours. Run the single experiment from the downloaded files by executing the command ./runit which should be in your part1 directory.

Create a log file containing the tabular data, a graph of the waiting times, and two Gantt charts. Insert a comment at the bottom of the log file explaining what you think this experiment tests and what it shows. Refer to the graphs, tables, and Gantt charts as necessary. Explain how in this case you can tell which run had a shorter average waiting time by either looking at the graph or by comparing the Gantt charts.

Copy your log file into your public_html/cs3733/assign/part1 subdirectory of your course web page and put a link in your course web page to the log file. Make sure you also copy the required image files and make sure that these files are world readable so that everything can be read from outside of your account. Have a friend try to access your web page to make sure the permissions have been properly set. Print out the log file from the browser and hand it in.

When you have completed this part of the assignment, send me email with the subject CS 3733 Assignment 2 Parts 0 and 1 Complete indicating that you have completed these parts of the assignment. Print out the log file and turn it in with Parts 2 and 3. Clearly label it is being Part 1 of this assignment.

Here are the steps that will produce a basic log file (without comments) for Part 1:

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Do not do this part until you are told to do so.

Change the permissions of your public_html/cs3733/assign2/part2 and public_html/cs3733/assign2/part3 directories to be drwxr-xr-x.

Have a friend try to access your web pages to make sure the permissions have been properly set.