CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 1999 Assignment 0

Warning: This is not for the current semester.

Due Wednesday, January 27

Assignment 0 has 4 parts.

Part 1:
Access the web site: /classes/cs3733s99 and find out about assignment 1.

Part 2:
Make sure that you have had your picture taken. If it was not done after the first class, come to my office.

Part 3:
Subscribe to the newsgroups utsa.cs.3733 and utsa.cs.3733.d. You should check these newsgroups at least once a week. Read all of the articles in these newsgroups.

Part 4:
When you have completed the other parts of the assignment, send me email at srobbins@cs.utsa.edu informing me that you have completed all parts of Assignment 0. The mail message must have a subject line which includes the course number. If you are not prompted for a subject line when you send mail, insert an alias in your .cshrc as follows:
alias mail mailx
source your .cshrc and try again.