CS 3733 Operating Systems, Spring 1996 Assignment 1

Here is some help with the first assignment.

Recall from class that you are supposed to obtain the code related to Program 2.3 and try it out. All of the code is available in /usr/local/courses/cs3733/pup/ch02/raw.

The files in question are called

Copy these into an empty directory and make symbolic links as follows:
ln -s prog02.01.c list.h
ln -s prog02.02.c list.c
ln -s prog02.03.c keeplog.c
ln -s prog02.04.c keeploglib.c

You can then compile these with
cc -o keeplog keeplog.c keeploglib.c list.c
or better, create a makefile.

There is nothing to hand in for this assignment at this time, but you should plan on finishing it this week.

Note: If you get a compile error on list.c, either get an updated copy or you can correct it yourself by putting a slash character (/) at the beginning of line 59.