CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 1998 Assignment 4

Due November 19, 1998

This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 2. Use what you have learned from that assignment. Although it is not due until November 19, you now know all you need to in order to do this assignment. Assignment 5 will be given out and will be due before this one. Plan your time accordingly.

We know that if all processes have the same CPU bursts then SJF and FCFS have identical behavior. In this project you will design and carry out an experiment which tests how the variability in the CPU burst distribution can affect average waiting time for the two algorithms.

  1. Design an experiment in which the load average is moderate and all CPU bursts have the same value. Run this experiment with SJF and FCFS and confirm that they produce identical results.
  2. Change only the distribution of the CPU bursts in such a way that you have control over the variance and can keep the average the same. Do several runs and compare the average waiting time for the different runs. Discuss how your experiment supports or refutes the statement:
  3. Use the same experiment as above, but with SJF. Discuss how your experiment supports or refutes each of the two statements:
Prepare a web page with a description of the problem, a discussion of the experiments and why you chose the parameters as you did, and a discussion of the results. Do not make this web page accessible from outside your account at this time, but be prepared to do so.

Extra Credit: Run your experiment with different seed values and without a seed and discuss the results. For what range of parameters (duration and number of processes) does it seem as if the seed value has little affect on the results? Relate this the the validity of the results of the rest of the assignment.

Late Breaking News ...
Late Breaking News ...
Late Breaking News ...
Late Breaking News ...

A new version of the simulator is now available.
You should use the new version for this assignment.
To access the new version, change the reference in your runit script from runpsn2 to runpsn3.

There is now an easy way to install this version of the simulator at home using a self-extracting zip file. You can find out how to do this by clicking here.

Here are some of the differences besides the new look and feel:

Let me know your comments on this new version.