Do the exercise described in Section 2.15.1 starting on page 73 of PUP.
On our local system, the news files can be found in /net/ringer/local/news/spool
Use the newsgroup utsa.test to test your program.
Make a directory called cs3733/assign1 to hold all of the files for this assignment.
The main program described in the second bullet should be called ShowLastMod.c.
The main program described in the fourth bullet should be called NewsBiff.c.
Create a makefile for compiling all of the modules for this assignment.
Hand in a copy of all source code and a copy of your makefile. Use the burst page as a cover sheet and make sure it contains your name in the upper right corner. All sheets should be stapled in the upper left corner.
On the cover page of your assignment describe to what extent each of the 4
parts of the assignment worked.
If you do not do this your assignment will not be graded.
Be prepared to demonstrate your programs.