CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 2003 Recitations

All recitations will meet int the Linux Lab, CS 3.01.04 SB.

There will be no recitation meetings during the first week of class.

The first recitations will meet on September 2 and 4.

  1. Week of September 1: Using the system
  2. Week of September 8: Introduction to the process scheduling simulator
  3. Week of September 15: Process scheduling simulator
  4. Week of September 22: Class assignment using the process scheduling simulator
  5. Week of September 29: Introduction to the process ring simulator
  6. Week of October 6: Process ring simulator
  7. Week of October 20: Bounded buffer simulator
    Week of October 27: No new recitation this week.
    You can use the recitation time to finish last weeks' recitation or make up previous recitations that you missed.
  8. Week of November 3: Network communication
    Note: The Tuesday recitations will not meet this week (November 4) due to illness of the instructor.
    The Tuesday classes will do this recitation on November 11.

    The Thursday recitation section will meet as usual this week.
  9. Starting Thursday, November 13: Disk Head Simulator
    Note: Thursday recitations will do this session on November 13
    Tuesday recitations will do it on November 18.
  10. Starting Thursday, November 20: Disk Head Simulator