CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 2003 Assignment 4

Due Thursday, November 13, 2003, before class

This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 3.

Put all of the programs from this assignment is a directory called assign4.
Use a separate subdirectory for each part.
Do not delete anything from assignment 3.

Part 0:
Write a function called fdreceiver that takes an open file descriptor as its only parameter. It reads from this open file descriptor in the same way as pipereceiver from Assignment 3. It reads two lines, the name of the file and the size of the file. It then reads the rest of the file and creates a new file with the given name. It returns the number of bytes in the file on success and -1 on error. On error, errno is set. This function should not output any error messages. If it gets an end of file when reading the first line, it returns 0.

Rewrite your pipereceiver from Assignment 3 to use this function. This version of pipereceiver opens the pipe, calls fdreceiver, and displays a message indicating success or failure.

Part 1:
Write a function called fdsender that takes the name of a file, an open file descriptor, and a sleep time in seconds as parameters. It then behaves like pipesender from Assignment 3, but it sends to the open file descriptor rather than a pipe. After sending each block of 1024 bytes it sleeps for the given number of seconds. It returns the number of bytes in the file on success and -1 on error. On error, errno is set. This function should not output any error messages.

Rewrite your pipesender from Assignment 3 to use this function. This version of pipesender takes an additional command line argument, the sleep time in seconds. It opens the pipe, calls fdsender, and displays a message indicating success or failure.

Part 2:
Write a program called filesreceiver that takes a named pipe as a command line argument. It opens the pipe for reading and calls fdreceiver in a loop until an error occurs. It accumulates the the total number of bytes transferred and the number of files transferred and outputs this information after the loop. If fdreceiver reports an end-of-file, treat this as success and display an appropriate message. The message should contain the number of files received and the number of bytes received. If fdreceiver reports any other error, display an error message.

Part 3:
Write a program called filesender that takes three command line arguments, the name of a a directory, the name of a pipe and a sleep time in seconds. It opens the pipe for writing and sends all of the regular files that do not have length 0 to the pipe using fdsender. In sending the files, send only the filename, not the directory. Display the total number of files sent, the total number of bytes sent, a message indicating success or one indicating failure.

Part 4:
Look at your programs from Part 0 and make sure they behave correctly in the presence of signals. The restart library may be helpful here if you did not use it earlier. Rewrite the programs as necessary. Rewrite filesreceiver so that it starts by displaying its process ID. Whenever it receives a SIGUSR1 signal, it displays the total number of files and bytes successfully received. You may assume that fprintf is async-signal safe.

Additional comments about Part 4:
In Part 2 you wrote a main function that is in the file filesreceiver.c. This main function calls the function fdreceiver that is in the file fdreceiver.c. The two files will be compiled together to produce an executable called filesreceiver. You should be able to do Part 4 without modifying fdreceiver.c as long as it only uses functions that behave well in the presence of signals.

Before starting its loop, the main program should print its message and set up a signal handler. You will have to keep the number of files transferred and the bytes transferred in global variables so that the signal handler has access to them.

Extra credit:
Rewrite the programs in Part 4 so that when a signal is received, it displays the names of the files received so far along with their file sizes. Only those files received completely should be displayed. You should not make any assumptions about the number of files that will be received.

Handing in your programs
Note the four changes in boldface to parts 0, 2, 3 and 4 and the additional comments about Part 4.
Do the following on one of the machines in the Sun or Linux labs:

Use this cover page. Be sure to answer the question that appears on the cover page.