CS 3733 Operating Systems, Fall 2003 Assignment 2 Comments

Assignment 2 was worth 30 points.

Approximate point values are as follows:
Part 1: 5 points
Part 2: 4 + 1 + 5 + 5 = 15 points
Part 3: 10 points
If your experiment did not involve any I/O you lost 5 points.

Please remember that you are not allowed to work with others on these assignments. What you turn in must be representative of your work.

Some sample answers follow:

Part 1: This statement is only true if the processes do not do any I/O. It may be false if they do I/O and use the CPU at different times. In this case, one process may be using the CPU while the other processes are doing I/O.

Part 2:

  1. The quantum should be small compared to the smallest CPU burst.
  2. The duration and the CPU burst.
  3. It is 0.
  4. Turnaround time.

Part 3:
In your experiment, make the CPU bursts have a non-constant distribution so the processes do not all use the CPU at the same time. An example follows:


name myexp
comment For Assignment 2
run myrun1 algorithm FCFS key "FCFS 1 process"
run myrun2 algorithm RR 1 key "RR 1, 20 processes"
run myrun2 algorithm RR .1 key "RR .1, 20 processes"


name myrun1
comment For 1 process
algorithm FCFS
seed 5000
numprocs 1
firstarrival 0.0
interarrival constant 0.0
duration constant 2000
cpuburst uniform 20 40
ioburst constant 10
basepriority 1.0


name myrun2
comment For 20 processes
algorithm RR 1
seed 5000
numprocs 20
firstarrival 0.0
interarrival constant 0.0
duration constant 100
cpuburst uniform 1 2
ioburst constant 10
basepriority 1.0
Description Algorithm Time Processes Finished CPU Utilization Throughput Turnaround Time Waiting Time
myrun1_1 FCFS 2650.00 1 1 .75472 .000377 2650.00 0.00
myrun2_2 RR 1.00 2017.30 20 20 .99143 .009914 1980.48 1222.48
myrun2_3 RR .10 2016.32 20 20 .99191 .009919 1994.07 1236.07

Turnaround Time Waiting Time
Description Algorithm Average Minimum Maximum SD Average Minimum Maximum SD
myrun1_1 FCFS 2650.00 2650.00 2650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
myrun2_2 RR 1.00 1980.48 1935.47 2017.30 25.57 1222.48 1195.47 1237.30 .60
myrun2_3 RR .10 1994.07 1972.00 2016.32 12.19 1236.07 1222.00 1251.80 .41